Knowledge Through Reading

I devote two hours a night - every night - to professional reading. One hobby is writing book reviews and posting them on Amazon. My motivation for reviewing books is to (1) check my own understanding of the material, (2) share with others, and (3) give back to my profession.

In addition to my Amazon reviews I maintain a list of recommended books and on-line publications that I encourage you to check out.

Because one of my areas of expertise and interest is service and application delivery I highly recommend the Harris Kern Enterprise Computing Series, which is published by Prentice-Hall. Click on the graphic below to see what topics the series covers.

Service and Application Delivery Books

If software development processes are among your interests I highly recommend Successful Software Development, also published by Prentice-Hall.

Successful Software Development

This is one of the best books on the subject that I've come across. Don't just take my word for it, check out a sample chapter (warning - this file is 2 MB), graphical table of contents or flow chart that depicts the processes covered in the book and judge for yourself.

Enjoy ... and good reading.

If you have questions about a book or source, let me know and I'll do my best to provide an answer or recommendation.

Pray for Kuwait's POWs and Don't Forget Them!